With the API v1.5 in Undetectable, you will be able to get a list of profiles, create, launch, update, and close them. Additionally, with the obtained information, you can connect various automation tools such as Puppeteer, Playwright, and others to profiles on the Chromium core.
By default, the local server runs on port 25325. If this port is occupied, it will start on another port. You can check the port in the program settings and change it if necessary.
To access the local server, use the IP, localhost, or the local IP within your network, and the port from the settings plus the path you want to execute, for example, http://localhost:25325/status.
All API responses look like:
where <status code> and <status> reflect the status:
<return object> - various data sent by the API, for example, a list of profiles.
Errors have the following format:
Path: /status
Method: GET
Description: Returns the status of the local server, whether it is running or not.
List of Profiles
Path: /list
Method: GET
Description: Returns a list of profiles available in the program on the Chromium browser.
Create Profile
Path: /profile/create
Method: POST
Description: Creates a profile with the selected parameters. All parameters are optional and may not be present. The list of browsers for the command: Chrome, Edge, FireFox, IE, Opera, Safari, Yandex. The list of OS for the command: Windows, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Android, iPhone, iPad, Linux, Mac. If there are no configurations with the selected OS or Browser, a random OS or Browser type will be used.
Format: JSON
Memulai Profil
Path: /profile/start/<profileID>
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Memulai profil dengan <profileID> yang dipilih. Anda dapat menambahkan parameter di tautan:
chrome_flags dan mengirimkan bendera apa pun yang ingin Anda jalankan, hanya perlu mengodekannya dalam URL encoding, misalnya: ?chrome_flags=—blink-settings%3DimagesEnabled%3Dfalse%20—disable-webgl2
start-pages dan menentukan halaman awal, hanya perlu mengodekannya dalam URL encoding, misalnya: ?start-pages=https%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com%2Chttps%3A%2F%2Fya.ru
Menghentikan Profil
Path: /profile/stop/<profileID>
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Menghentikan profil dengan <profileID> yang dipilih
Memperbarui Profil
Path: /profile/update/<profileID>
Method: POST
Deskripsi: Memperbarui informasi dalam profil dengan <profileID> yang diperlukan. Semua parameter bersifat opsional dan mungkin tidak ada
Format: JSON
Menghapus Profil
Path: /profile/delete/<profileID>
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Menghapus profil dengan <profileID> yang dipilih
Membersihkan Data dalam Profil
Path: /profile/cleardata/<profileID>
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Menghapus semua data (cookie, riwayat, catatan, cache, dll.) dalam profil dengan <profileID> yang dipilih
Clear profile cookies
Path: /profile/clearcookies/<profileID>
Method: GET
Description: Clear only cookies from profile with selected <profileID>
Clear profile cache
Path: /profile/clearcache/<profileID>
Method: GET
Description: Clear only cache from profile with selected <profileID>
Cookie Profil
Path: /profile/cookies/<profileID>
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Meminta cookie dalam profil dengan <profileID> yang dipilih
Mengirim ke Cloud
Path: /profile/tocloud
Method: POST
Deskripsi: Mengirimkan profil yang dipilih ke cloud
Format: JSON
Membuat Lokal
Path: /profile/tolocal
Method: POST
Deskripsi: Membuat profil yang dipilih menjadi lokal
Format: JSON
Memperbarui Versi Browser
Path: /profile/updatebrowser/<profileID>
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Memperbarui versi browser dalam profil dengan <profileID> yang dipilih
Format: JSON
Daftar Konfigurasi
Path: /configslist
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Mengembalikan daftar konfigurasi aktif
Format: JSON
Daftar Grup
Path: /groupslist
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Mengembalikan daftar grup
Format: JSON
Informasi Profil
Path: /profile//<profileID>
Method: GET
Deskripsi: Mengambil informasi profil dengan <profileID> yang dipilih
Format: JSON
Check IP
Path: /profile/checkconnection/<profileID>
Method: GET
Description: Checks the connection in the profile with the selected , if the check fails, an error is returned
Format: JSON
Get timezones list
Path: /timezoneslist
Method: GET
Description: Returning timezones list
Format: JSON
Get proxies list
Path: /proxies/list
Method: GET
Description: Returning proxies list
Format: JSON
Add proxy
Path: /proxies/add
Method: POST
Description: Add a proxy to the proxy manager, the parameters login, password, ipchangelink are optional, the rest are required
Format: JSON
Delete proxy
Path: /proxies/delete/<ProxyID>
Method: GET
Description: Removes a proxy with the selected ID. Proxy will be deleted for all profiles with that proxy, the same as during normal deletion from the manager
Format: JSON
Update proxy
Path: /proxies/update/<ProxyID>
Method: POST
Description: Updates the proxy with the selected ID, all parameters are optional
Format: JSON
Puppeteer (Node.js)
Node.js Puppeteer Menjalankan profil dengan nama tertentu dan membuka halaman undetectable.io di profil tersebut:
Selenium (Python)
Python + Selenium Menjalankan profil yang berada di folder tertentu dan membuka beberapa situs: