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Mass Profile Creation

Create hundreds of unique profiles in just a few clicks using configurations or lists of User-Agents, Cookies, or the universal format (Name, Cookies, Proxy-type, Proxy, User-Agents, Notes). This feature is available on any paid pricing plan, starting from $49.

To access the mass profile creation window, click the “Mass Creation” button.


For the profiles being created, you can set a name template, specify a folder, and add tags.


Main and Additional Settings


In the Additional Settings, you can specify:

In the Main Settings, you choose the method of profile generation. There are two methods:


  • from configurations;
  • from files.

When generating profiles from configurations:


  1. Select the number of profiles.
  2. Specify the pool of configurations from which the profiles will be created.
  3. Click Generate, and a list of profiles will appear on the right side of the window, where you can view brief information about each profile.
  4. Click Create, and the profiles will be created.


When generating profiles from files:


  1. Select the desired format. You can see examples of files for each format by clicking the ”?” button.
  2. Drag and drop or select the necessary file.
  3. Click Generate, and a list of profiles will appear on the right side of the window, where you can view brief information about each profile.
  4. Click Create, and the profiles will be created.


Mass profile creation can be used together with mass proxy import for maximum work acceleration.