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Connecting Private Storage

What is Private Storage

There is an option to connect your own server and store cloud profiles on it, simultaneously gaining security and independence, as well as convenience of working in a team and synchronization between devices. In this case, you will not have to pay for the number of cloud profiles.

How to connect an additional server for profiles

  1. Purchase a slot for Private Storage in Undetectable;
  2. Rent a third-party server;
  3. Install the Private Storage script;
  4. Specify the server details in the admin panel settings of Undetectable;
  5. Select the server in the program settings.

Server Selection

Private Storage Installation

After purchasing the server, connect to it via ssh and run the installation script.

To connect via SSH:

Script for installing and updating Private Storage:

$ wget && chmod +x && bash

Run the installation script by pasting it into the console (Ctrl+V) and pressing Enter.

After that, you need to choose one of the options:

  1. Install Private Storage - install private storage on the server
  2. Update Private Storage - update private storage on the server
  3. Delete Private Storage - delete private storage from the server
  4. Exit - exit the installer program

Enter 1 to install and press Enter, then the installation of the storage will begin.

During the installation process, you will be prompted to enter the Docker token, which you need to request from technical support

After the installation is complete, you should see the following message about the successful installation of the Docker container.

On Windows
On MacOS:

Connecting via ssh using iTerm on MacOS

Connecting via ssh using Termius on MacOS / Windows

Connecting the server in the admin panel

Go to the Overview, click the Add Server button in the Storage Servers section, and enter the following connection details:

  • Name - any name for the server
  • IP - server IP address
  • Host:port - IP address or domain + port separated by a colon (default port: 1443)

Selecting the server in the program and sending the cloud profile

In the program settings, select the desired server for storing new cloud profiles. After changing this setting, all new cloud profiles will be stored on the selected server.

  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 and above
  • 2 CPU
  • 4GB RAM
  • 50 GB HDD/SSD